25 May 2024
To all Rosarians,
Please find enclosed an application form
for Queensland State Rose Garden Trial Roses for 2024/26.
Please return completed forms to Lorraine Schiller,
Secretary QSRG, PO Box 92, Toowoomba Qld 4350 or by email
nannyschiller@bigpond.com A separate form must be completed
for each cultivar so please photocopy forms and all forms
are due by Monday, 10 June 2024.
Jamie Jensen has committed to organizing
this event. Judging will continue with a panel from
Queensland State Rose Garden, Darling Downs Rose Society and
Toowoomba Regional Council Parks and Recreation division on
a regular basis over the next 2 years. If an Australian
Bred Rose wins a Gold Med-al it will be planted in the Rod
Hultgren Australian Bred Rose Garden which has been created
as a legacy to Rod.
We wish to continue these trials for many
more years and the new beds should be ready for the trial
roses from mid-June. Now that we have received the WFRS
Garden Excellence Award it is important we continue this
project and please encourage others to enter.
Please contact me via my mobile 0429 115
140 before forwarding the plants (from mid-June to end July)
to my address.
Lorraine Schiller
5 Meibusch Street