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Toowoomba Sub Branch of QRS

formerly The Darling Downs Rose Society

The Toowoomba sub Branch of QRS is a group of enthusiastic rose growers living in Toowoomba and the surrounding area. They hold regular events and run two rose shows per year in Autumn and Spring.  The Society meets on the 4th Saturday bi-month at 2pm at the Member locations in Toowoomba.

See calendar for meeting dates.


Our rose shows in Toowoomba 2024
Spring 12th-13th October 



The good news is that our membership has been transferred to the Queensland Rose Society and the Darling Downs will come under their stewardship and be identified as QRS – Darling Downs. 

Darling Downs members are planning to continue to get together on a regular basis and will endeavour to stage both the Autumn and Spring Rose Shows

On a brighter note, congratulations must be extended to John and Sylvia Gray for receiving the “Australian Bred Rose of the Year 2022” award for their rose “Brindabella Pride”.  

This is an outstanding garden rose and many would know that this particular rose was also awarded the “American Rose Trials Sustainability Award”.  

 A good one to have in your garden!! 


Toowoomba Contact to QRS

Jodie Faulkner




Past President and Delegate

Leo Cooper

Ph: 07 4633 1975


Use QRS mailing address for postal details


The Darling Downs Rose Society meets The Rose Cottage, Newtown Park, corner Holberton street and Pottinger street Toowoomba at 2pm see calendar for dates..


To Contact Toowoomba sub Group


Phone: 07 4633 1975

Email: leocoo57@bigpond.net.au



© 2009 The Queensland Rose Society Inc, created by Paul Hains
This website may suggest some controls for pests and diseases. This does not mean endorsement of a particular company’s product. The suggestions are a intended as a guide only and the choice or controls is yours. The information is gained from sources we deem reliable. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, and interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.