Spend time caring for
your Roses. Growing roses is a time consuming passion,
that will reward you with lots of wonderful flowers. You
should allow at least 1 tp 2 hours per week for an
average sized garden of 10-15 plants to carry out all
the required maintenance tasks.
Roses prefer a well drained soil, preferably sandy loam
with a PH of 6.5. Most poorer soils can be improved to
accommodate roses. NB – Always checksoil PH level at
least4 weeks prior to planting and then once or twice
per year there after to maintain correct PH level. Never
plant new roses in freshly composted or manured beds.
This should be done 8-10 weeks before planting.
Roses require at least 5-6 hours of full sunlight per
day. Plant a minimum of 3m- 4m away from large trees and
palms to avoid root invasion and shading from sunlight
by tall trees. Afternoon shade is OK and in most cases
beneficial on hot summer afternoons. Where possible,
position rose gardens on the north-eastern side of your
house for the best results.
Do not over crowd rose gardens with annuals, other
plants or shrubs. Roses grow best when planted in a bed
of their own. Plant roses at least 90cm apart and follow
planting guides when planting new roses.
Keep surface of rose bed
well mulched, with Lucerne hay, straw, grass clippings,
old dry natural cow manure or woodchips, BUT NOT pine
bark. Mulching keeps weeds away and in summer, retains
moisture and prevents heat burn from loose soil.
(Fertilizer). Roses will only grow as good as you feed
them. Fertilize in Spring, Summer and Autumn with 60-70
grams / sq. m. of Rustica Blue or Nitrophoska Rose Food.
Three weeks after each application, you should apply
some organic fertilizer such as Sudden Impact for Roses,
Dynamic Lifter or Organic Life, to maintain correct Ph.
Levels and to avoid soil bum out. Pamper your roses
weekly in summer with liquid fertilizer such as
Phostogen or Fish Emulsion. This promotes strong healthy
growth of foliage and flowers and helps plants to resist
attack from pests.
Deep water root systems
by soaking soil with a sprinkler on well established
plants for about 1½ -2 hours every fortnight, or as
required - depending on the weather conditions. In
windy, dry conditions, you should be prepared to check
the soil every couple of days to ensure that moisture is
still present in the soil underneath the mulch. Water
only if soil is starting to dry out.
Regular spraying is essential for a healthy rose garden.
Spray roses every two weeks to PREVENT Black Spot and
other fungus diseases before they occur. Inspect the
flowers and leaves weekly for signs of any pests that
would damage the leaf system. Common and most damaging
to roses are Aphids, Mites, Thrips, Scale, leaf eating
beetles and caterpillars. Use only recommended rose
sprays and chemical on targeted pests. Always follow
directions on pack when using sprays and fertilizers.
Hard prune rose bushes from mid July to early August to
promote strong Spring growth. Light prune again in
mid-March to remove any dead or spindly twigs (but leave
on any new strong growth) for a vigorous Autumn flush.
Maintain your rose garden in a weed and pest free
environment. Do not allow near-by plants and gardens to
harbour pests. Regularly remove old dead flower heads
and diseased leaves to promote fresh new growth. A
healthy root and leaf system are essential to obtain a
beautiful flourishing rose garden