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The yearly subscription is just $40 for a family.

New members also pay a $5 joining fee.

Click (new member) to Download the Membership Application

and Renewal Form. (renewal)

Exhibitor's Handbook

The Exhibitor's Handbook is your guide to entering competitions at the Queensland Rose Society or any of it's affiliated Rose Societies. You will find helpful information on how to arrange roses and floral art.

Click here to Download the Exhibitor's Handbook


Growing Roses Order form


The Society meets at Church Hall, 459 Annerley Road, Annerley Junction, Brisbane at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of February, March, April, June, July, September, November and December.



© 2009 The Queensland Rose Society Inc, created by Paul Hains
This website may suggest some controls for pests and diseases. This does not mean endorsement of a particular company’s product. The suggestions are a intended as a guide only and the choice or controls is yours. The information is gained from sources we deem reliable. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, and interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.